Missy Ecklund
Special Education
[email protected]
phone: 320.245.2289x6097
I began my teaching career in the East Central School District in 1989. I graduated from Eden-Valley Watkins High School and St. Cloud State University. I am married to my husband Dwain and we have two children. Simon (18) is enlisted in the United States Air Force. Sophia is in 11th grade at East Central.
This is my 35th year at East Central teaching secondary special education to low incidence students with a variety of special needs, including those with specific learning disabilities, developmental cognitive delays, autism spectrum disorder, physical impairments, vision impairments, severe/multiple impairments, and other health disabilities.
I have also done some coaching during my time in the district. I have coached volleyball, basketball, softball, elementary basketball, and a variety of community education t-ball and baseball teams.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, playing cards, golfing, camping, fishing, and watching the Twins, Vikings, and Gophers.