Program Options


GTKY (Getting to Know You) Our Getting to Know You program is a full-day (8:00 am to 3:00 pm) class that meets four days a week (M, T, Th & F) during the school year. The class is FREE, located in the Early Childhood wing of East Central School, and led by our teachers; Mrs. Casey Fornengo & Mrs. Liz Grice, in collaboration with our ECSE teacher Jennie Carlin and Speech Therapist, Marki Hansen. It is geared towards children who will turn 4 by September 1st of the current school year. Transportation is provided to and from school. Breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack are also provided. Children must be independent in the bathroom. 

GTKY is our school readiness program, which offers a daily routine of age-appropriate activities and opportunities in each of the early childhood domains, including social/emotional, language & literacy, math, motor skills, and more.  Children also practice many skills of being independent such as dressing for outside, choosing toys to play with as well as cleaning up when they are done. We strongly encourage parents of children ages 4 up to kindergarten enrollment to participate in the GTKY program in preparation for school readiness into kindergarten.

Terrific 3's Our Terrific 3's class meets on Wednesdays, from 8 am to 11:30 am, during the school year. The class is FREE, located in the early childhood wing, and led by Mrs. Casey Fornengo and Mrs. Liz Grice. Our ECSE teacher, Jennie Carlin, and our Speech Therapist, Marki Hansen, also visit with the children during this time. It is geared towards children who will turn 3 by September 1st of the current school year. Transportation to school is provided via bus, however, parent(s)/guardian(s) will need to pick the children up from school at 11:30.

Terrific 3's is a great introduction to preschool for children and will allow them to have classroom experiences before entering into our school readiness program. The class offers a routine and schedule that provides a sense of consistency for children, as well as the development of time and spatial awareness and social/emotional development. Age-appropriate activities and learning opportunities in each of the early childhood domains are taught. Children must be independent in the bathroom. 

Early Childhood Family Education

ECFE Evening Classes Our ECFE evening program meets most Mondays during the school year. Class time is 5-6 pm. The class is FREE, located in the early childhood classroom, and led by Early Childhood Staff. It is geared towards children ages birth to 5 years of age and their parents/guardians. The program offers a laid-back opportunity for children to explore a classroom setting and its abundance of early learning materials. Children are able to learn how things work, enhance their social/emotional skills, and learn how to play and interact with other children. It also offers a time for parents/guardians to form connections with other adults in our area. It also offers parents/guardians time to relax, play, and learn with their children. This class offers parent group time once per month, where the parents/guardians will separate from the children to discuss parenting topics, concerns they may have about development, parenting, and other topics. Topics are decided upon by the parents. This is a great opportunity for families who may have children who struggle with separation.

Parents are encouraged to read and be familiar with our Early Childhood Parent Handbook. 

If you would like to register your child for any of our preschool programs please fill out a registration form found at the top of this page on the left side bar. The form can be filled out online and printed to be mailed or saved to your computer to be emailed.

A Google form is also available to complete by clicking the link below. 
ECFE Registration Form

Please email completed forms to:

[email protected].

Or mail completed forms to:

East Central Schools
Attn: Jennie Carlin
61085 State Hwy 23
Finlayson, MN 55735

Any Questions? please call 320.245.2289x6104 or email [email protected]

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